Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Delightful Game I Played

For any interested person's viewing pleasure.

1.e4 e5

2.Nf3 Nc6

3.Bb5 a6

4.Ba4 Nf6

5.0-0 Be7

6.Re1 b5

7.Bb3 0-0

8.c3 d5

9.ed5 Nd5

10.Ne5 Ne5

11.Re5 c6

12.Bd5 cd5

13.Qf3 Bb7

14.d4 Bd6

15.Rel Qh4

16.g3 Qh3

17.Be3 Rae8

18.Nbd2 f5

19.Bf4 Bf4

20.Qf4 Re4

21.Ne4 fe4

22.Qh4 Qf5

23.f4 ef3

24.Re5 f2+

25.Kf1 Qd3+

26.Re2 Re8

27.Qh5 Rf8

28.Kg2 g6

29.Qg4 Bc8

30.Qg5 Qf3+

31.Kf1 Qh1++

Just copy and paste the notation into the window at this site:

On the 20th move, I give up a rook for a knight -- and this is called an exchange sacrifice in chess lingo -- to take back with the f-pawn. This opens a file for my rook to assist in a mating attack on the king,

I felt the stress of playing carefully after it since I was at a material disadvantage.

A joyful kind of stress ( : ( :

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